The Animal Advocates International Snare Removal Project

The Animal Advocates International team conducted its first snare removal project in Zimbabwe. Snares are dangerous to animals. The use of snares to trap animals is rampant especially for species like impalas, buffalos, and kudu that are killed for human consumption. One snare can kill hundreds of animals. Snares cause a painful death to animals. Thank you to our dedicated and committed team that spend the day in the wild removing snares to save hundreds of animals. During the snare removal, the team came across animal tracks which resemble pangolin tracks. The International Union for Conservation of Nature red list the pangolin as threatened. The pangolin is an endangered species that is specially protected, yet it is the most trafficked mammal in Africa and Asia. Humans kill the distinct mammal, covered in hard scales, comprised of keratin mainly for their meat and their scales which some parts of the world use for traditional medicine purposes, although no scientific evidence exists to support the medicinal use. Under the Zimbabwean wildlife laws, a pangolin is specially protected and possession, or killing of the mammal result in a mandatory sentence of nine years for first offenders and eleven years for repeat offenders unless special circumstances exist for such possession or killing. We as ADI inform the public that these snares catch specially protected species hence our effort to dedicate our time in removing them in the wild.


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